Friday, July 24, 2015


It's been a while and frankly, my life is pretty mundane so i have nothing much to update this space. Bryan just left my house and our Japan itinerary is still all over the place. I've never had a problem coming up with an itinerary so i'm quite bummed that this took much longer than expected. Other than the alien-looking addresses and the intricate railways, it also seems like B and i couldn't agree on where to go and what to do. I lost count of how many times i made changes to the itinerary. This is kind of demoralising because every little change = googling for address, opening hours, how to go there, (re-)plan our route etc. I AM SO TIRED :(

The websites are right - planning for Japan is more stressful than fun. Lol. Maybe Bryan and i don't make a good travel companion for each other afterall hahaha. I told him this is a trip that will either make or break us because travelling opens up your eyes - you will be confronted with certain situations that will challenge your partner and you. You can see how your partner reacts and whether the 2 of you can work well together and compromise each other. It is also a test of patience.

So there's no better way to learn more about someone than to travel together with them.

Anywayyyyyy, back to other stuff. I recently began doodling on snapchat again because i've been so bored. I'm quite happy with my maleficent because it was tough drawing with my finger but yay me.

I remember last time Mel sent me this article of someone doing some pro-doodling on snapchat and told me i need to get a stylus for myself so i can upz my game hahahaha. By then i was doing amateurish doodles, you can see here.

Drew slightly straighter brows for my dad's birthday dinner yesterday and surprisingly, i quite like it. I'm just not sure which one suits me more because my usual ones make me look a little fierce but this one looks like my eyebrow game too strong haha. I think i'll draw straighter brows for now because i'm growing them out so it's a little unkempt. 

I'm so tired recently i don't think i can juggle work, school, friends, family and B at the same time. I don't know how i did it before but i feel so exhausted nowadays. Having thoughts to quit my part-time job soon. 

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