Saturday, December 28, 2013

Gold Coast #7 and #8

Back to update this space because someone has been complaining to me. I've been busy lately and i lost all the motivation to use my Macbook whenever i come home from work. After all, i've been facing the computer for 8 hours in the office every single day. Give me a break, will you? Lol. 

(When i turned on my Macbook, I actually typed in my office desktop password)  

I guess from my posts, all of you could tell that i've gained weight in Australia. I had been eating well whilst i was there.  On the 7th day, we had Pancakes for brunch! My apologies because i can't remember the name of the cafe and i also can't remember the location of it :/ 

If it helps, i think it's called house of pancakes? or maybe Pancake Paradise. Lol

 Looks so so but it's the fluffiest pancakes i've ever eaten. And i love fluffy pancakes. This is about AUD$9 if i'm not wrong. Fyi, i only ate half because it was so filling. 

I miss this :(

Drove over to Surfers Paradise again because we didn't get to go to the beach the previous time. It was an impromptu decision so we didn't bring our beachwear too. 

And some photos from D's phone.

HAHA epic face was epic because i didn't expect the wave to be SO strong. My bottom was half wet after taking this shot. 

Just me doing my thang. HAHA

In the end most of us were kinda wet because the waves were so strong!!! Haha and we also tried to push each other into the sea :P 

We went back to our Villa and decided to go for a swim and kayak in the back lake. Best decision ever because we had so much fun haha. 

Am not sure how we settled our dinner. I'm guessing microwaved pizzas and what not that's why i don't have any photos of it. Btw, their microwave pizza sucks, like any other microwavable pizza. Why would anyone want to eat that? 

Anyway i've come to the last part of the trip. Was quite reluctant to leave this beautiful place and our awesome villa but we had to. I promise i'll be back for you, Australia. I want to visit Melbourne and Perth next! 

Checked out as early as 10am and loaded our luggage into the mini van. We drove to the Brisbane DFO to do some last minute shopping. 

My OOTD for the last day and to fly back to Sunny Singapore

Top: Supre, Gold Coast | AUD$5
Bottom: F21, Singapore
Shoes: Nova, Gold Coast | AUD $10 

Before heading to the DFO, we went back to the supermarkets near our Villa to get some last minute items to bring back to Singapore. I bought 8 packets of Honeycomb Biscuits from Coles because i love them so much. It's really sweet but i really like it. I also went to buy cheese to bring back hahaha. I know right but i love the cheese there!!! So damn good, no regrets. I still have one packet in my fridge :)


I didn't get anything here unfortunately because i was trying to save money to shop. 

We made our way to the DFO and this was my lunch. Non-Australian food again haha what was wrong with us. 
But i love it! The serving was huge and i managed to finish everything hehe. 

No more photos from then on because we all went shopping on our own. I was with June and Daniel but somehow i lost them halfway so i walked around on my own and bumped into them again after about 2 hours when i was done with the whole place. Lol. I walked really fast y'know. I combed the whole area in just 3 hours. I would say there's nothing much for me at the DFO but i managed to grab a pair of Sperry Top-Sider for only about SGD$55. BEST BUY! I have yet to wear them actually because they're a size too big but i just had to buy them.

Left at about 6-7pm and drove to Brisbane Chinatown to have dinner. Yeah you got it, we had chinese for dinner. On our last day.... -_- 

 Some night festival thing going on. 

 I have to say Brisbane is much more happening at night than Gold Coast!

Some photos of my overpriced chinese food. Only took some cos i was too lazy towards the end.

Soon, it was time to fly back to where we belong. Was tired and grumpy because our flight was delayed and it was like 3am in the morning there. 

My lousy plane food. HAHA 

No idea why some people actually like eating plane food. Well, i don't mind but they usually taste quite meh for me. I like the croissant and the butter though.

Touched down at about...10am in the morning and was greeted by Bryan together with my Dad, Sister and Jeremiah. My mum had some church event to attend so she couldn't come. Still, it was great seeing all of them :)

I went back to give out presents and to bathe before heading out again because my boy was booking in that day. 

This concludes the end of my Gold Coast trip. It has been a truly enjoyable and memorable trip. I love every part of this trip although i think it would have been more fun if i actually traveled with my close friends instead but i'm still grateful for this. 

Guess what, i'll be going Hong Kong with Daniel and June next month :P We have only known each other for 6 months yet we will be embarking on our 2nd trip together in January 2014. I can't wait! 

Meanwhile, Australia, i love you and i'll be back! 

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