Monday, December 30, 2013

58th Monthsary

Aloha! I'm all alone in the office today hehe. I absolutely love it when the office is peaceful and quiet and i can do anything i want. No doubt i was feeling Monday blues especially now that it's the festive period but I feel....carefree today. I'm finally done blogging about Gold Coast which i dragged over a month haha. This post will be on Bryan and my 58th monthsary dinner! The boy chose Al Forno to spend our date night :)

It was a really simple date actually. I met him in the afternoon to go to Lavender to get his army stuff -_- Lol cos he was going for his field camp the following week.

Top: Bangkok
Skorts: Bangkok
Shoes: Nova, Gold Coast

Frankly speaking i felt that the food was alright only. It was decent but nothing fantastic that makes me want to keep going back for more. 

On a side note, i really really miss La Cantina's crabmeat linguine. I had it once, 2 years ago, and never stop thinking about it. Sigh. Wtf it was really 2 years ago on our 29th month (it's 58th month now). Haha 

Chilled at Emo's Bar thereafter. 

I posted this on instagram and captioned it "Drinking is good for health. Right?" And one of my friends replied, "Only if its water." THEN the very next day an article about drinking is actually GOOD for health came out hahahaha. What a coincidence. 

Just thought i should say this, if you have asian flush then drinking is really not good for you. Go and google Asian flush and read up on it! 

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