Sunday, October 21, 2018

Wow. It's been a year and a half since i updated this space. So much has changed, i don't know where to begin. For starters, i got myself a dog - a Golden Retriever. His name is Mochi and i co-own it with R. Honestly, i never knew i am capable of loving someone this much. Look at his cute face, how can anyone not love him right?

A post shared by 🐶Mochi (@mochi.thegolden) on


Anonymous said...

Hello Jessica! I used to be a reader of your blog but kind of lost your link when blogging died down and you also gradually stopped blogging. I’m glad I found you again! It may be insensitive but are you not with Bryan anymore? I know it’s none of my business but both of you are relationship goals. Whenever I have problems with my relationship I always come here to get my faith in love restored. Sorry if I crossed the line. I hope you are happy with whoever you are with right now (:

Jessica said...

Thank you for your kind words ☺. Yes, we have parted ways and have both moved on with our lives.