Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Power Blue

Top: Taobao
Bottom: Taobao
Bag: Charles & Keith
Shoes: New Balance

Wind was kinda strong that day so my hair was flying all over the place. 

LOL this is me glaring at Bryan because he kept snapping non-stop without putting in any effort. Boooooo. Lousy attitude ya hahaha. 

Wearing my current favourite lipstick - 3CE Pink Jam

I never thought i would like/suit this colour because i think it looks nicer on fairer girls and i'm not exactly fair. Bryan approves of it too!

B: "Look up!"
Me: "No... no one looks up in this kind of photo."

Lol i bet i'll look like some awkward person with my big face plastered in the picture if i looked up. Hehe but still a big thank you to Bryan for being my personal photographer all the time - willingly or against his will. Haha

I can't wait for June to come. So many plans :) I have my sister's wedding to attend, sister is gonna move out means i get to revamp my room(!!!) and lastly, B & i might be travelling to Japan together. I say might because everything is not confirm yet but we've already started discussing about where we wanna go etc. So it's like about 75% confirm i think? This means we should start saving uppppp.

I kept suggesting Bangkok, Taiwan and even Hong Kong to him even though i've been dying to visit Japan haha. All because saving money is not my our forte -_- Am trying very hard to save money nowadays and it doesn't seem to work because i'm too used to spending money on food.

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