Monday, June 6, 2011


BLKW just left my house and i'm starting to miss him alrd :( This is bad. I don't want to get too attached or reliant on him but the fact is that i alrd am. 28th months spent together....not easy for us. We literally understand each other so damn well. Just a grin from him and i'll know what he is up to, and vice versa. 

I don't usually think about the future with anybody but i started thinking about marrying him and started imagining what will happen when we finally have what we call a home together. I'm anticipating the arrival of that day - be it proposal, wedding, or just staying together

Now the question is, will that day ever come? Well, i don't know. Nobody knows. But i know we'll do whatever it takes to make it last. 


blkw said...

love you so much bebe. <3
i will make that day happen no matter what.

Jessica Leong said...

I'm gonna printscreen this as evidence ☺