Monday, January 3, 2011


my baby boy is back from his long holidayyyyyyy! hehe i'm so happy. 2010 was spent counting down with a few of my closer friends and we literally get high in the middle of the night. We played boardgames which consist of doing a dare or saying the truth and we all had so much fun. So the whole night was spent playing boardgames, wii, cooking maggie, talking about everything and anything, munching on delicious chips etc. Cheers to our 7th year of friendship! :D

hehe i'm so glad it's a great ending to my 2010 and definitely an awesome start to my 2011. So melissa and i checked in to the hotel (which i booked it for boyf and i) first and lazed around there. Dinner and while she headed home, i went to the airport to wait for boyf for like...2 hours...alone -.- Then my first night of 2011 was spent with boyf cuddling me and i fell asleep in his arms while we were still talking.

2011 will be a great year for all of us (fingers crossed). Hope you people enjoyed your countdown and new year as well :)


bryan lumpy said...

i definetly enjoyed mine with u.

jessica said...

Too bad you can't make it for the countdown. It was so fun :D

Hehe i enjoy my time with you too! without fail!